If we swap out your faucet, it’s covered. If your hot water heater needs to be replaced, we guarantee it will work perfectly for an entire year, or we will put it right. If we put in a toilet and there’s a problem ten months later, we will come and fix it without charge. Benchmark Plumbing and Rodding offers a one-year warranty on all parts and labor because we work with the best brands in the business, and we know the quality of our workmanship. Some of the brands we work with are: Kohler, American Standard, Moen, Bradford White, Sloan, and Zurn, to name a few.
Benchmark Plumbing: Top-Notch Work, Reasonable Prices

One-Year Warranty
When Benchmark Plumbing and Rodding does your work, you can be completely confident. We offer a full one-year warranty on all parts and labor when we repair or replace any fixtures.

30-Day to 90-Day Warranty
Once you have a clogged drain dealt with, you really don’t want to replay that experience anytime soon. Benchmark Plumbing and Rodding understands that and we agree!
Once we are done cleaning out your clog, whether that means cleaning and draining or heavy-duty rodding, we guarantee that you won’t have issues or we’ll come back and take care of it for free. The length of the warranty depends on the severity of the clog; we don’t want to promise more than we’re confident about. We’ll make sure that you know the length of your warranty before we leave the house, and you can rest easy that the clog is completely gone, and not likely to return.